Communication · 17 November 2022

Everyday Routines. Classroom dialogue and behaviour management, hand-in-hand.

I’ve often felt that it is helpful to link behaviour management techniques to learning routines so that the behaviour routines have an explicit purpose and, at the same time, the learning routines have a structure and some rigour to them. If you can get everyone listening whenever you want and involve everyone in productive purposeful talk whenever you want, you’ve got some basic foundations for great lessons pretty much nailed.

To use the language of the WalkThrus techniques, this means switching from everyone listening via Signal, Pause, Insist to everyone talking via Think Pair Share, in a context where Cold Calling and Check for Understanding are well-understood norms.

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Text source: teacherhead
Author website: Tom Sherrington

#LearningRoutines #BehaviorManagement #EngagingLessons #ProductiveTalk #StructuredClassroom #ActiveParticipation #EffectiveTeaching #PurposefulDialogue #ClassroomNorms #TeacherStrategies