Technologies · 14 September 2019

The Dangerous Idea of the Digital Native

University of Wollongong’s Professor Susan Bennett @ UOW Big Ideas Festival 2015

The fallacy of the ‘digital native’

“We live in the age of the digital native”, or so many would have us believe. But what does the term really mean? Can someone truly pick up digital skills intuitively? Does this mean there is no need to try to teach young people how to use computers?

We do not think so. This idea of digital natives is a dangerous fallacy that risks leaving young people without the competencies they need for the workplace, and risks leaving businesses without the skilled employees they need.

We have published a report exploring the fallacy of the ‘digital native’ in more depth. The paper sets out extensive evidence against the idea of ‘digital natives’ having intuitive computer skills and concludes that there is a vital need for digital skills development programmes to be part of all forms of education.

#DigitalNative #DigitalSkills #TechnologyEducation #DigitalDivide #DigitalLifestyle #DigitalWorkplace #YouthDevelopment #SafeTechnologyUse #DigitalCompetence #ICTSkills